What's all the excitement?
Three additional on-line tools can complement your existing retirement planning with Retirement Transition Support. The on-line Psychometrically-designed Readiness Assessment, Pre-Retirement Checklist and 100 Day Playbook and the library of animated videos and public-facing tools give you a digital assist to your existing planning services.
Remember: Fit-To-Retire is helping a client with their Retirement Transition – IT IS NOT Financial or Retirement Planning, but rather a complement.
Meet Rita
Rita is an Investment Advisory Representative. Rita stands out from the crowd by offering the powerful tools included in the Fit-To-Retire Readiness Roadmap.
- Psychometrically-designed Assessment Tool
- Pre-Retirement Checklist
- 100 Day Playbook

Contributing Authors share their collective knowledge and experience in helping clients transitioning to successful retirements.
Competitive Advantage
Financial advisors certified to use the Fit-To-Retire Readiness Roadmap gain a tremendous differential advantage over the competition gearing-up to serve the baby boomer generation nearing and entering their retirement.
It’s Go-Time for them and Show-Time for you. Let’s get you started.